Modern Payments

Accept payments that are secure

Conducting payments in modern society can get tricky, luckily with STOVE we have endless options to motivate and streamline this modern woe, all while putting the control directly in your hands.


STOVE promises to consistently study new and upcoming trends in order to guarantee a convenient pay system that we ensure will suit your every need.

Be our guest with the convenience of table side and remote payments, kiosk options, and online ordering at the flick of a wrist.

Integrated Payments

Payment management is the fundamental core to all establishments in order to gain trust and reliability and ensure your guests return. Here at STOVE we take this very seriously. We process using the latest SSL 2048 bit encryption with 24/7 encryption storage and transaction data to guarantee secure and sage transactions day and night.

Connect your data sources

By using STOVE’s integrated payment management system, you have front of the line access to the best in reliability and the fastest processor to facilitate transactions offered today.

Questions & Answers

Lets take the wonder out of payments

  • 1. Can I use my own payment processing?

    Here at STOVE we work hard to offer the best in modern benefits for our customers and their guests alike. While it is possible to use a separate payment processing system in order to guarantee all the outstanding benefits we have to put on the table we recommend using our intergraded payments platform in order to get the Michelin style results.

  • 2. Does using STOVE payment processing cost more?

    Absolutely not! In fact, STOVE promises to match your current rate and in many cases, will actually save you money by reducing your current costs right from the start!

  • 3. What about tableside or handheld payments?

    Our STOVE handhelds bring simplistic ease straight to the dining room! You can feel confidence in safety and security while processing payments while swiping cards directly from the table or on the go!

  • 4. Can I have customer self-checkout?

    Yes! STOVE is proud to offer self-guest check out at no additional cost with the purchase of our STOVE system. We actually encourage utilizing the invaluable feature in order to drive delivery and direct to consumer experience. Simply enable “Guest Self Check Out” in your control panel directly from your accounts dashboard.

  • 5. Is it PCI Compliant?

    At STOVE we promise to ensure PCI compliance for all your payment processing needs. Guaranteed encryption during the entirety of each payment transaction gives you the peace of mind and security you are looking for.

Have any questions? Get in Touch

Get started with STOVE today!

Lets start making it simple for your servers and guests to pay their bill anywhere.

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